october 5, 2007 // 1:17am
The other day, Vicki and I went to Europe. We went to a lot of different
cities. Here are some words about the first one we went to...
We saw lots of ruins and old stuff.
We were approached by a
man who said he was the head of Pierre Cardin. He was lost, and needed
directions. We didn't know directions, since we were kind of lost too.
He thanked us and offered to give us brand new leather jackets for
being so helpful; he just needed a little money for gas. We said no
thanks, gave back the jackets, and he got insulted and drove away.
It's really too bad that the head of Pierre Cardin doesn't have enough
money for gas.
Rome has a lot of tiny cars and motor bikes.
There was also a guy dressed as Charlie Chaplin. He was doing one of
those dumb "I'll stand still and get paid for it" things. He had a
boy wear his hat and Hitler moustache and hold his cane and stand still,
probably to train the boy in his standing-still craft. I took a picture
of the boy because it was a cute scene. Then I walked away, and Charlie
Chaplin ran after me. He grabbed my shirt and tried to get me to come
back and be part of his sick street fetish. I wondered if he was going
to rip my shirt, he was pulling on it so hard. There was a struggle.
As a policy, I don't give money to Charlie Chaplin impersonators when
they yank on my clothing. I probably should've told him this up front.
The Colosseum is cool. So is the Pantheon, although I kept wanting
to call it the Parthenon.
We ate some good food in Rome, but we also ate some bad food. it's hard to
find good food near touristy spots, but unfortunately that's where you happen
to be when you're doing touristy things and then realize you're hungry. It's
also hard to find good food on sundays.
Vicki prefers Marcus Aurelius' column over Trajan's column.
We took a break from Italy for one afternoon and visited this other
country where the Pope lives. It's really fancy. We had a good tour
guide, which helps. Because otherwise we'd just look around and say
"wow, that's fancy." Instead, she gave us facts and history and interesting
stuff. Although, one month later, the only thing that sticks in my
memory is "wow, that was fancy."
Trastevere was our favorite neighborhood in Rome. It seemed to be the place
where we were least likely to be run over by crazy motorbikes.
Hmmm yeah, that's my Rome report. I have a lot of photos, but I haven't
sorted through them yet. Whenever I do, they'll be accessible by that
photo galleries link on the left.
and maybe I'll add some in here at some point. ha! maybe! here
are some photos from Rome!